After a few years somewhat different and complicated with a pandemic in between, we were finally able to celebrate 40 years of KMB, and its trajectory since 1980.
For us it is a pleasure to continue accompanying every woman in all her steps, in her daily life and for many years to come.

It was a very special night, with many surprises and people so important to us, without whom all this would not have been possible; suppliers, company employees, carriers, family, friends.... We are really grateful for your work and commitment to KMB.

We took the opportunity and wanted to show you our new collection, consisting of 30 models of sandals, clogs, heels, sneakers, loafers ... inspired by all of you, trying to make you get our best version, that is our priority.

We only hope that those who were able to come to KMB night enjoyed themselves, had a good time and understood that we are what we are thanks to each one of you.
We are sure that soon we will repeat it, and we hope to see you once again.